Here is the first video from the new album:
And some info about it
About Hide No Truth (photos by Larissa Van Der Vyver)
Near the end of Nate Allen’s first Destroy Nate Allen tour he spray painted the words “My Goal Is Resolution” boldly on his acoustic guitar. The vulnerability and complexity of that statement unknowingly charted a course for his life.
With his new project Good Saint Nathanael, Nate Allen is turning to face his demons leading with a rare-disarming vulnerability. On Hide No Truth (available on Feb. 1st), the harder Nate looks at himself in the mirror, the more humanity reveals its bitter, beautiful complexity.
In what is a cathartic move towards self-choice, honest art and emotional health, Nate uses religious language to explore human vulnerability and his own broken Christian religious experience.
Hide No Truth was recorded and mixed by Jon Terrey (Listener, The Chariot). Then Nate assigned different friends to add whatever their vision of “noise” was to each track, further adding to the haunting soundscape. Lastly, the record was mastered by Jim Demain at Yes Master Studios (John Prine, Frank Black, June Carter Cash).
I look forward, as always, to hearing and learning something new. You often present music that is not in my normal "listening range", but is frequently enlightening.