Saturday, February 27, 2021

Podcast #043 - Chit-Chat & Feedback

"Chit-Chat & Feedback"

Alan and Em talk a bit about how they've been passing the time recently -- Dragon Age, Warrior Nun, theology podcasts, and the like. And then they empty out the entire bag of listener feedback. 

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:


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Link #1: The music of The Oh Hellos!
Link #2: The music of The Gray Havens
Link #3: The Sacramental Charismatic podcast
Link #4: The Foreword podcast 

We would love to hear from you about this topic, the podcast episode, or the podcast in general. Send e-mail feedback to 

You can follow the network on twitter @DorknessToLight or Alan @ProfessorAlan


  1. It was good to hear you again, and I must thank Alan for mentioning "The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred the Vampire Accountant", by Drew Hayes". Based solely on that title, I went to Hoopla and borrowed the audiobook. I haven't had a chance to start listening, yet, but I'm sure I'm in Alan's debt for it. I also laughed when Em said "Dave might be single-handedly supporting what's left of the United States Postal Service. He has to spend upwards of 20 or 30 dollars a month in postage." Hilarious underestimate!
    Finally, again, I thank you for your earlier episode about the graphic novel, "The Book of Ruth". I recently ordered a copy online and it should be arriving soon. I will probably write you again once I've read it.

    1. You are the second person so far to have Hoopla-ed the Vampire Accountant book!

      And would love to hear your thoughts on The Book of Ruth graphic novel!

  2. Respectful response to Vera:
    Paul said to the Corinthians that faith without love is useless and James told the Church that faith without works is dead. So the viewpoint that faith must have love and love is not all you need is VERY Biblical.
    And Mystery- Paul said that we only know in part, so I agree with professor Alan that accepting a little Mystery is probably a good thing.
